Friday, December 27, 2019

Awareness - 6564 Words

Fiction, Between Inner Life and Collective Memory. A Methodological Reflection. Franà §ois-Xavier Lavenne, Virginie Renard, Franà §ois Tollet1 Introduction In the writing of their fictional works, novelists often have to reflect on the functioning of memory, for memory lies at the heart both of inner life and of human experience in general. It is indeed in the works of writers such as Marcel Proust or Jorge Luis Borges that the best exemplifications of the subjective experience of memory are to be found. However, from a strictly mnemonic point of view, literature provides more than a means of reflecting on memory: it is also the site of the rebirth and construction of individual and collective memories, which can then serve as a foundation†¦show more content†¦Memories were first attributed directly to a collective entity by Maurice Halbwachs in his epoch-making La Mà ©moire Collective (The Collective Memory).5 This sociologist claims that all memory depends, on the one hand, of the group in which one lives and, on the other, to the status one holds in that group. To remember, one therefore needs to situate oneself within a cu rrent of collective thought.6 As a result, Halbwachs concludes that there are no purely individual memories, i.e. memories that would belong only to the individual, and of which the individual would be the unique source.7 We are therefore not the authentic subjects of attribution of our memories. Several writers have attempted to reconcile these conflicting on individual memory and collective memory. For example, Paul Ricoeur argues that memory does belong to the realm of interiority, for we see ourselves as the true possessors of our own memories.8 However, memory also involves the other and fully bears its mark.9 From its declarative phase, memory enters the public sphere because a testimony is always presented to, and received by, an other. Moreover, Ricoeur, following in the footsteps of Halbwach, asserts that peers can assist an individual in the work of remembering.10 He therefore draws the conclusion that memory processes involve both the individual and the group. Ricoeur thu s differentiates among three different poles of attribution of memory: there exists, betweenShow MoreRelatedAwareness Of Physical Activity Guidelines753 Words   |  4 PagesAwareness of physical activity guidelines amongst the UK student population was found to be 69.6% in this study. 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According to the National Institute for Literacy (2007), â€Å"students with poor phonics skills prevent themselves from reading grade-level text and are unable to build their vocabulary† (p.5) Agreeing with the importance of phonemic awareness, Shapiro a nd Solity attempted to useRead MoreWhy Is Self Awareness A Prerequisite For An Intimate Relationship?1680 Words   |  7 PagesSummary 1: What is Self-Awareness? Self-awareness is self-understanding and self-knowledge. It s getting to know your true, genuine self. Self-awareness enables you to identify and understand factors of which you were not aware until now that control your reactions and behaviors and harm your relationships, such as: your fears, needs, messages you have internalized, beliefs and opinions. Summary 2: Why is Self-Awareness a Prerequisite for an Intimate Relationship? Self-awareness means: understandingRead MorePhonemic Awareness1894 Words   |  8 PagesPhonemic awareness is not phonics. Phonemic awareness is an understanding about spoken language. Children who are phonemically aware can tell the teacher that bat is the word the teacher is representing by saying the three separate sounds in the word. They can tell you all the sounds in the spoken word dog. They can tell you that, if you take the last sound off cart you would have car. Phonics on the other hand, is knowing the relation between specific, printed letters (including combinations ofRead MorePersonal Statement : Self Awareness1317 Words   |  6 PagesThis paper will provide a glimpse of my non-cognitive traits such as self awareness, empathy, passion and fortitude. The process of being self-aware is not always easy, but is a worthwhile and magnanimous achievement. As a social worker, Self-awareness is an essential ingredient in preparing oneself to encounter new challenges while learning to understand one’s own strengths, weaknesses, thoughts and beliefs. It was difficult for me to work on a project with others not knowing if I could control

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The rise of conservatism in the USA Essay - 1546 Words

In which ways did the Fifties and Sixties in the USA set the scene for the rise of conservatism in the Seventies and into the Reagan era? Was the rise of the right inevitable? Please explain your point of view. The 1950s in America are often described as a time of complacency. By contrast, the 1960s and 1970s were a time of great change. But the economy of the 70s was not stable because of the Oil crisis and presidents did not seem to find a solution to get the economy work again. For the right, the federal government had been spending too much money on the social programs. Conservatism believes that the best way to run a society is to maintain social and political framework and that the government should be as limited as possible,†¦show more content†¦The sixties seemed to challenge basic American assumptions; the value of hard work and of traditional family values. â€Å"Middle† America formed 55% of the population, earning between $5000 and $15000 p.a. They lived between the city slums and the affluent suburbs, and were usually up to their eyes in debt. They wanted the law to protect them and their property. They believed in good manners, in respect for authority and the flag. The changes of the sixties left many of them confused and angry. They were not sure who to blame for social unrest. They were the silent minority that Nixon appealed to in his election campaign, and they helped him to victory. They were the resentment and reaction byproduct of social unrest. They worked to ensure their property and found it unfair that the government gave money to the people that did not work as much as they did. They wanted law and order. They wanted a state that provided security, response to the insecurity they felt in face of the students movement and the liberal culture. They felt ignored by the democrat government because they did not benefit from the financial help, house and health security. Both the political parties had to cope with the growing of pressure groups and those best able to use the media to attract attention to their causes. The refusal of Johnson to stand for re-election together with the assassination of Robert KennedyShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Decisions In The Government850 Words   |  4 Pagesgoverning body guaranteed game plan of positive rights. It joins social progressivism and to some degree, ordoliberalism and is significantly similar to European social radicalism. American conservatism frequently implies a blend of money related progressivism and libertarianism, and to a certain extent, social conservatism. It goes for guaranteeing the thoughts of little government and individual opportunity, while progressing traditional regards on some social issues. The ideological position a man orRead MoreHow did the Prohibition Change the United States of America (USA)? And why was it a failure?1490 Words   |  6 Pagesrefers to laws that are designed to prevent the drinking of alcoholic beverages. The enforcement of the Volstead Act in the United States of America (USA) saw the nationwide beginning of the prohibition on the 16th of January 1920. The Prohibition brought about a change in attitude for the people of the United States (USA). It caused an extreme rise in crime; encouraging everyday people to break the law and increased the amount of liquor that was consumed nationwide. Overall this law was a failureRead MoreThe Anti Epidemic Of Hiv / Aids909 Words   |  4 PagesMany Americans embraced a new conservatism in social, economic and political life during the 1980s, characterized by the policies of President Ronald Reagan who took office in 1981. 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He gave a magnificent speech at the 1976 Republican National ConventionRead MoreThe Major Events Of The 20Th Century Were Characterized1612 Words   |  7 Pageselimination of social classes, money and the state (Kelz, 2016). This study examines the devastating experiences of wars, and totalitarianism of the 20thn century which include World War 1, the Russian revolution and communism, economic depression, the rise of dictatorship, World War II, the war in the pacific, Nuclear age, decolonization, the cold war, and the emergence of information, communication technology The Devastating Political Experience of Wars and Totalitarianisms of the 20th Century DuringRead Moresummary and critical discussion of the article: Basu, Sudipta (1997): The conservatism principl4616 Words   |  19 Pagesï » ¿ TABLE OF CONTENT List of abbreviations AND SYMBOLS II 1. Introduction 1 2. The conservatism principle and the asymmetric timeliness of earnings – a summary 2 2.1. The author’s motivation 2 2.2. The asymmetric sensitivity of earnings to returns 2 2.3. Earnings-return association versus cash flow-return association 5 2.4. The asymmetric persistence of earnings changes conditional on news 7 2.5. Conservatism and the asymmetric effect on the earnings response coeffcients 9 2.6 Further testing 11 3Read MoreSoviet Rock ‘N Roll1498 Words   |  6 Pagesthe making of the Berlin wall and division of eastern and western Germany each with either ideology. The allies which included the USA, Great Britain and France formed allied forces. Although the cold war was in itself not a war, it was an economic sanction and led to the development of world deadliest weapons. It is also the exodus of the deadly Cuban missile and the rise of China. Soviet rock ‘n roll In the early 1960s, or shortly before the cold war, the Russian music industry had been dividedRead MoreAnti Capitalism And Its Impact On Modern Society Essay1942 Words   |  8 Pagesthere has been anti-capitalist movements like Occupy (with popular ones such as Occupy Wall Street). After Wall Street and most of the other places became unoccupied, it also seemed like anti-capitalism was over. Examples revolving around the current USA presidential election show otherwise. Depending on the results, anti-capitalism might be at the headlines of newspapers around the world once again. In this paper, I will be arguing that I think anti-capitalism protests in any form are not dead, andRead MoreEssay on Right Wing Resurgence1296 Words   |  6 PagesSwitzerland, these right wing parties have become key players in government. While in other countries like France and Italy, right wing parties are essentially powerless and divided among factions. Whatever the case may be, the popularity of ultra conservatism is growing and becoming more visible throughout Europe. While there are radical right wing political parties in almost every country in Europe, none have achieved more political power than the Freedom Party of Austria, and the Swiss PeoplesRead MoreAdam Smith And Karl Marx1924 Words   |  8 Pagesabortion of distinguished social classes, and developed into one of the widely known critics of capitalism; Marx believe that the idea of capitalism gave an advantage to the people who were already rich and gave no opportunity for the working class to rise socially or economically, which would ultimately result in revolts and anger. In his eyes, capitalism alienated and exploited the members of the working class and was an overall negative. Taking into the consideration the two views on Progress, this

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Feminist Mom free essay sample

I bit my lip. This is so unfair! Why did this beautiful person, my moms best friend, have to die? A mother of ten, she had lived an amazing life. For the past six years she had battled breast cancer, an example of fortitude for all who had known her. Since our families were so close, I had seen how this woman had given herself completely to her children. I cried as I heard her childrens grateful testimonies for such a wonderful, self-giving mother. As I watched this display of love for a mother so similar to mine, I thought how lucky I was to have my mother alive and well. Reflecting on my life, I realized that in many ways my values are the same as hers. I have received a rich inheritance which includes, above all, a deep love for family. In fact, for my mom, the challenge of raising a big family has actually enabled her to succeed. We will write a custom essay sample on The Feminist Mom or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page By her example, my mom has taught me to live life to the fullest, regardless of its self-sacrifice. Being the second oldest of eleven, I can remember the excitement of my mothers last three pregnancies. Last fall, I had an incredibly busy schedule. As the captain of the soccer team, photo editor of the yearbook, and class president, I boldly pursued my love of drama and participated in two plays. I did not realize how little time I had for my family until production week of the second show. The night of dress rehearsal, I came home around eleven, dead tired, but determined to finish my homework. As I turned on the kitchen lights I noticed an envelope perched on the table addressed to me from my mother. I felt a tinge of disappointment remembering she was away and would miss my performance. It was a Break A Leg card. The beginning of the letter was merely newsy, and I could not help wondering why she was writing. Toward the end, I came to the line God is once more entrusting a soul to us I reread the preceding sentence. Our family is going to be quite busy in the spring. My mother was three months pregnant! I couldnt believe it. Such joy sprung from my heart that I could not help but cry! I admired this woman for thinking so little of herself, who worked her hardest and then gave more. I couldnt contain my emotions and effortlessly wrote an eight-page letter to a good friend and still had the energy to finish my homework. As I wrote my friend, I suddenly thought with sadness how the rest of society would react to my mothers pregnancy. Most of my friends would not understand my joy for a new brother or sister or my admiration for the woman who would bring this child into the world. Other peoples criticisms and the word overpopulation ran through my head. Some feminists would declare my mothers children a hindrance to her career. Being one of these obstacles, I realized my mothers accomplishment was indeed in making her role as a mother an amazing career. Most of society lives out Emersons well known quote from Self Reliance, For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure. In raising a large family, she is going against what society now labels as normal. Yet my mother has grown strong in her inevitable whipping. Despite societys displeasure, she is satisfied with her life in loving and caring for her family. Defying much feminist theory, she has actually become her own individual by not thinking of herself, but of others. The generosity and hard work my mother displays is something that I hope to accomplish in my own life during and after college. I have great visions of becoming an engineer like my grandfather and solving the enigmas of the world, but no less great an achievement would be to become an ordinary heroine like my mother.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Tuberculosis (TB) Essay Example For Students

Tuberculosis (TB) Essay Tuberculosis1. Identification-identification requires finding the organismMycobacterium tuberculosis, the cause of TB. Respiratory symptomsshould prompt an exam of the sputum, first by an acid-fast smear, then byculture and identification of the organism. The smear results should beavailable in hours. If positive, a diagnosis of TB should be assumed andtreatment started. Final confirmation requires isolation of the culture. Radiographs of the chest are helpful in the identification. 2. Agent-TB is caused by an infectious agent known as mycobacteriumtuberculosis. We will write a custom essay on Tuberculosis (TB) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now 3. Occurrence-The number of TB cases had been declining by anaverage of 5% per year nationally since 1953. This situation changed in1985, when the incidence began to climb. In 1990, 25,701 TB cases werereported to the CDC. This represented a 9.4% increase over 1989 andwas the largest for a single year since 1953. Reported cases increased15.89% between 1985 and 1990. Although the AIDS epidemic has caused many of the changes,immigration, homelessness, drug abuse prison overcrowding, acts inpublic health funding, and drug resistance have also contributed to asituation that is out of control in some parts of the country. And becauseTB is contagious, the risk extends beyond the groups traditionallyconsidered high risk. TB has changed from a disease of older people to one of young adultsand children. It has also evolved from a disease that struck across allracial and ethnic lines to one that is far more common among black andLatino populations than whites. The age distribution of new cases alsopoint to a strong-but not absolute-link with AIDS. The greatest increasehas been in people 24-44, the same group most seriously affected by HIVinfection. 4. Reservoir-Only people were discussed but also animals. 5. Mode of Transmission-The agent infects the lungs by inhalation ofinfected droplets formed during coughing, singing or sneezing of anindividual with the active form of the disease. 6. Incubation period-about 4-12 weeks7. Period of communicability-As long as viable tubercle bacilli are beingdischarged in the sputum. 8. Susceptibility-The most hazardous period for development of clinicaldisease is the first 6-12 months after infection. But in the case of HIVinfection, infection and development of TB symptoms is shorter thanthat in HIV negative patients with TB. According to some reports, HIVinfected patients can develop primary progressive TB within a few weeksof exposure to M. tuberculosis. 9. Resistance-TB has changed bacteriologically. Today in New York, asmany as 20% of TB patients are infected with M. tuberculosis that isresistant to isoniazid (INH) and rifampin. TB experts believe that the drugresistance problem is due in part to poor compliance, which is bad amongTB patients. In addition, widespread indifference to TB during the last twodecades meant that no new specific anti-TB drugs entered the pipeline,monitoring for resistance lagged, and rapid diagnostic tests were notdeveloped. 10. Methods of control-Controlling TB is very difficult. A. Preventive measures-TB specialist overwhelmingly prefer theintradermal Mantoux test for screening. Candidates for screening includeHlV-positive patients, close contacts of TB patients, people from countrieswith high TB rates or medical conditions that predispose to active TB, andresidents of long-term-care facilities. Because of the high prevalence ofanergy among HlV-infected patients, the CDC recommends administeringcompanion tests for delayed-type hypersensitivity simultaneously with theMantoux test. Most TB patients are treated with INH and rifampin as outpatients for 6to 9 months. Much of the responsibility for detection, prevention andtreatment lies with our increasingly impacted and understaffed publichealth clinics throughout the country. The private sector also shares in anincreasing demand for treatment of cases. More than 35% of the reportedcases reported to the county health department come from sources otherthan public health facilities. .u19d3f86fa7f74409acd373d23cd30547 , .u19d3f86fa7f74409acd373d23cd30547 .postImageUrl , .u19d3f86fa7f74409acd373d23cd30547 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u19d3f86fa7f74409acd373d23cd30547 , .u19d3f86fa7f74409acd373d23cd30547:hover , .u19d3f86fa7f74409acd373d23cd30547:visited , .u19d3f86fa7f74409acd373d23cd30547:active { border:0!important; } .u19d3f86fa7f74409acd373d23cd30547 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u19d3f86fa7f74409acd373d23cd30547 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u19d3f86fa7f74409acd373d23cd30547:active , .u19d3f86fa7f74409acd373d23cd30547:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u19d3f86fa7f74409acd373d23cd30547 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u19d3f86fa7f74409acd373d23cd30547 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u19d3f86fa7f74409acd373d23cd30547 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u19d3f86fa7f74409acd373d23cd30547 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u19d3f86fa7f74409acd373d23cd30547:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u19d3f86fa7f74409acd373d23cd30547 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u19d3f86fa7f74409acd373d23cd30547 .u19d3f86fa7f74409acd373d23cd30547-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u19d3f86fa7f74409acd373d23cd30547:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Missouri applied for state hood in 1817. The petit EssayPreventive therapy ordinarily consist of INH 300 mgs. daily for 6 to 12months. Where the risk of TB is very high, such as in those who are HlV-positive, 12 months is recommended. In all cases it is essential to rule outactive TB before giving INH alone. The BCG (Bacillus of Calmette and Guerin) vaccine has been used inmany parts of the world to prevent TB. Unless the BCG vaccine has beenreceived within the past year, a positive TB skin test result in any personshould be considered as indicating TB infection regardless of the remotehistory of a BCG vaccination. They should be assessed regarding TBdisease. B. Control of patients, contacts and the immediate environment-Ofparticular concern is the documented increase of disease in children. When TB is under control in a community, children should rarely beinfected and essentially have no disease because they get the diseaseonly from undetected adult cases. This indicates that adults withundetected TB are transmitting it to children. Another reason TB has remained endemic is because of the dramaticincrease in the population and the changing demographics. Immigration oflarge numbers of persons from countries where TB is common hasresulted in sustained numbers of new TB cases, despite the generaldecline in those born in the U.S. ReferencesBenenson, A.S., (1990). Control of communicable disease in man (15thed.). Washington D.C.: American Public Health Association. Davidson, P.T., Diferdinanando, G.T., Reichman, L.B., Snider,D.E. (May15,1992). TB: coming soon to your town? Patient Care.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Swot Analysis of Walmart Essay Example For Students

Swot Analysis of Walmart Essay Wal-Mart Company Strategy This section will examine Wal-Marts company strategy in several sections. Three elements of successful strategy formulation and a fourth element, which exemplifies the implementation process of company strategy, will be looked at. Followed by this, an analysis of key factors contributing to this strategy will be detailed. These include looking at Wal-Marts competitive strategy, the CEOs leadership, and company strategy strengths and weakness assessment. The material used to analyze Wal-Mart strategy consists of the companys annual reports, its Fact Sheets and other information found on the company Internet site. Other information is obtained from outside sources such as Fortune Magazine, and from outside groups who are critical of the corporation. The focus of this analysis will be placed on identifying the resources of the firm, its weaknesses and strengths in terms of its competitive environment. The sections examined will highlight the leadership style of Wal-Mart CEO H. Lee Scott, who inherited the corporate legacy of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton. Other elements such as the culture, the corporate organization and values of the company come to play. 1. We will write a custom essay on Swot Analysis of Walmart specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Strategic Goals This section looks at three successful elements of strategy formulation and a fourth element, where the strategy is implemented successfully. These are as follows: Dominate the Retail Market wherever Wal-Mart has a presence. Growth by expansion in the US and Internationally. Create widespread name recognition and customer satisfaction with the Wal-Mart brand, and associate the retailer with the reputation of offering the best prices. Branching out into new sectors of retailing such as pharmacies, automotive repair, and grocery sales. a. Dominate the Retail Market Everywhere A key strategy of Wal-Mart is to dominate the retail market. Company founder Sam Walton put in place a retail philosophy the company still follows. Wal-Mart is primarily a discount retailer because they sell their products at the lowest possible prices. By selling at the lowest price. Walton outlines that the essence of successful discount retailing to cut the price on an item as much as possible, lowering the markup, and earn profit on the increased volume of sales. (Wal-Mart pricing philosophy document, www. Another subset of this strategy is the competitiveness of every unit. Each store is encouraged to ferociously compete against all other stores in its customer base until the Wal-Mart store gains dominance over its local competitors (Quinn, 2, 115). Wal-Mart is currently ranked as the worlds number one retailer and the number one company in the world in terms of sales (over $200 billion) on the Fortune 500 list ( com) ( The key strategy is to dominate a market. Using its size and volume buying power, the company effectively implements its strategy. b. Growth by expansion in the US and Internationally. A strategic goal of Wal-Mart is to expand. It has done so successfully. Looking at the facts and figures clearly shows the corporations dominance and power. Currently the corporation employs over 1.3 million employees, one million in the US alone. The company owns over 4000 stores worldwide. Over 1,200 units (stores) are in operation internationally. Domestically, Wal-Mart is the largest US retailer, employing around 1 million people. It has over 3,000 stores and outlets, and 77 distribution centers. The company serves more than 100 million customers weekly in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and several nations around the world. ( com, Fact Sheet Wal-Mart at a Glance, 2002). Internationally, the retailer operates in Mexico, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, China, Korea, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Its expansion strategy internationally has been aggressive and powerful. The latest expansion strategy is for the company to gain entry into a nation by corporate takeover of a national retailer. Once the company is bought, Wal-Mart converts the stores into Wal-Mart stores. Three countries, all with no previous Wal-Mart stores, became part of the corporations international presence when domestic retail chains were overtaken. .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 , .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 .postImageUrl , .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 , .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8:hover , .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8:visited , .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8:active { border:0!important; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8:active , .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8 .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud8312be085df4e16334959c2f552f8e8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Upstarts Assault Essay In 1994, Wal-Mart bought 122 Woolco stores in Canada; today there are 196 units in Canada. In 1998 Wal-Mart bought the Wertkauf store with 21 units, now there are 94 Wal-Marts in Germany. In 1999, Wal-Mart acquired the ASDA chain with 229 units in the UK. Today, the UK has 252 Wal-Mart stores. ( com, Fact Sheet on International Operations, .

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Internal, External and Situational Influences on Consumer Behaviour

Internal, External and Situational Influences on Consumer Behaviour The products that will be focused on this assessment will be meat products including poultry, new and/or used passenger cars, property (housing units) and dairy products.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Internal, External and Situational Influences on Consumer Behaviour specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More These four product purchases will be assessed for internal, external and situational influences to determine the type of consumer behaviour that accompanies the consumer’s decision process when purchasing any of these products. Purchase one Purchase one is meat and poultry products which are one of the most commonly bought products in the Australia. Based on 2006 statistics, meat and poultry products were the mostly commonly purchased products for many Australian consumers and the country was also able to export meat and poultry products to countries such as Europe and the United States for a total of $1.3 billion in exports (Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 2007). The most commonly purchased meat products include beef, red meat, veal, liver and kidney meat and sheep offal. The poultry products that are commonly sold to Australian consumers include chicken breasts, eggs, chicken wings which are available in many of the fast food restaurants in Australia and boneless chicken products. The average consumption of meat products in Australia averages more than 224 grams a day for each individual consumer while that of poultry products amounts to 200 grams per day (Minchin 2007).Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The internal, external and situational factors are those characteristics that influence or impact the purchasing behaviour of a consumer. The internal factors that affect a consumer’s purchasing behaviour include their personality traits , the psychological makeup of the consumer (what they think and feel when selecting products), the type of behaviour they demonstrate when buying products and how consumer motivation affects their decision strategies (East et al. 2008). The external factors that affect the purchasing decision of a consumer include influence from reference groups such as family members, friends, acquaintances and work colleagues, the quality and quantity of the product that is being purchased and the needs assessment of the product where the consumer is motivated to make a purchase decision for a product that will meet their needs (Tanner and Raymond 2010). The internal factors that affect the purchasing behaviour of meat and poultry product consumers include internal stimuli on the part of the consumer where they are compelled to buy meat because of a desire to eat meat products. The main motivation for Australian consumers to purchase meat and poultry products comes out of a desire to satisfy their hunger. Poultry products such as those sold in fast food restaurants like MacDonald’s and KFC are mostly bought with the main purpose of meeting the immediate hunger needs of consumers. The external stimulus that affects the purchase of meat and poultry products amongst Australian consumers include recommendations from reference groups who have purchased their meat products from certain supermarkets, meat delis, meat markets or other suppliers of meat products in the country (Lamb et al. 2009). These recommendations help the buyer of the product to determine whether the type of meat products sold in the recommended place will meet their dietary needs and also whether the meat or poultry is sold in a clean and refrigerated environment.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Internal, External and Situational Influences on Consumer Behaviour specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Recommendations also allow the consume r to ascertain whether there are any alternatives to meat or poultry products such as red meat or veal available in the local market. Situational factors are the temporary conditions that affect how buyers behave during the purchase decision making exercise (O’Dougherty 2007). Situational factors influence whether the consumer will actually buy a product or not from a retailer and what factors will affect their purchasing decision. The most common situational factors that affect the buying decisions of a consumer include physical factors such as the location of a store, general ambience and environment, social factors such as whether the product is good for the society and time factors such as how long it takes to purchase the product when the product is being purchased by the consumer (Tanner and Raymond 2010). The situational influences that affect the purchasing process of meat and poultry consumers include the physical location of the meat delis or stores as well as the g eneral ambience of the store. Stores that are convenient to the buyer with regards to accessibility and are generally clean are likely to influence their purchasing decision when compared to meat delis that are difficult to locate and access and also have dirty refrigerators and unclean floors (Tanner and Raymond 2010). Purchase Two The second purchase that will be assessed to determine the type of consumer behaviour employed by buyers when making their purchases is property or housing units which is a high involvement purchase for most consumers who decide to buy a house. Australia is among top countries in the world that are experiencing a thriving real estate market as many citizens and residents desire to become home owners. Many Australian cities like Perth, Sydney and Melbourne are experiencing a boom in real estate as well as towns in the rural parts of the country.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More An increasing number of people both Australian citizens and people living abroad have become increasingly involved in owning their property because home ownership in Australia is a goal for most of these people. Currently over 70 percent of the population in Australia owns residential property while the rest are tenants pointing to the fact that real estate ownership is an important objective for most Australian citizens and residents. According to the Real Estate Perth Guide (2011) the increase in property acquisition and real estate investment in Australia has been attributed to two factors the first one of which is the growing Australian population seeking to purchase real estate property in many of the urban cities in Australia. These property buyers have begun to realise the importance of investing in the housing market as it is seen as a long term investment. The second factor that has led to the increase in property acquisition in the country is that a notable number of peopl e have begun putting their money into real estate property that is related to tourism. Tourism is one of the major economic drivers in Australia and such investments are deemed to yield considerable returns to people who decide to invest in the sector (Real Estate Perth Guide 2011). The internal factors that influence the purchase decision of property buyers include consumer motivation to purchase housing units. As mentioned earlier on in the discussion home ownership is an important goal for most Australian citizens where individuals are motivated to buy their own homes. There is therefore increased consumer motivation to acquire housing units with the single family residences being the most commonly sought after housing units in the country. Australian residents and citizens are also motivated to purchase their own housing units because of the investment opportunity these purchases present to them. Investing in the housing sector that is involved in tourism guarantees some signifi cant returns to these individuals (Real Estate Perth Guide 2011). The external factors that influence the purchasing decision of real estate property buyers in Australia include family and cultural influences where individuals who have families are influenced to purchase single family residences so that they can be able to meet the housing needs of their families. The demand for such housing units has continued to increase as more Australians with families seek to own their own residential houses. Family and cultural backgrounds have therefore played a major role in home acquisition in the country. Another external factor that affects the consumer’s behaviour when buying property includes the quality of the product that is being purchased. Housing units are of a high quality and they present a significant return on investment to consumers especially those who have decided to invest in the real estate sector related to tourism. The quality of the product therefore plays an imp ortant role in influencing the purchase behaviour of the consumer (Lantos 2011). The situational factors that will affect the purchasing decision of housing consumers is the physical factors which according to Tanner and Raymond (2010) affect what type of product the consumer will buy, when they will buy it and how much of it they will buy. Physical factors include the location of the property, the price or cost of purchasing the property and the type of housing that is on sale. Such physical factors will influence the purchasing behaviour of consumers who might for example want to buy housing units in the rural or urban areas of Australia or might want to buy apartments instead of single housing units (Hoyer and Macinnis 2010). Purchase Three The third purchase that will be assessed will be new and used cars which are high involvement purchases bought by consumers and buyers. Just like any other country in the world, Australia has a high car purchase rate that has seen many buyers as young as sixteen years old owning their own cars. The last statistics to be conducted in 1995 on the number of people who owned cars in Australia were able to reveal the number of passenger vehicles registered per 1,000 people which had increased from 250 from the previous year to 465. This increase was mostly attributed to the convenience and flexibility personally owned cars provided to their owners which made buying a car much easier. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the increase in passenger vehicle buyers was also attributed to the ease of accessing employment, education and health services where people who had their own cars were able to engage in these and other activities (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2006). Owning a car in Australia is seen to be a necessity rather than a luxury based on the increasing number of people in the country who own cars. People who have their own modes of transportation find it relatively easier to conduct their various busi ness and/or personal functions without any form of hassles. This increasing need to have their own personal modes of transportation has contributed greatly to the purchase decision that car buyers go through when deciding to buy a car. Because cars are high involvement purchases, consumers have to evaluate the internal, external and situational factors that will come in to play when deciding to go through with their purchases (Tanner and Raymond 2010). The internal factors that will influence the purchase of either new or used cars will be the type of motivation that a consumer has to buy a new or used car. As highlighted in the previous paragraph car buyers in Australia buy cars for purposes of convenience and flexibility meaning that the car offers them with an opportunity to accomplish various activities. The motivation of the car buyer to purchase a car will therefore depend on either of these factors. Another internal factor will relate to the individual tastes of the consumer where the consumer will consider which car model and make suits their own personal tastes. The external factors that will affect the consumer decision to buy a car will be the type of lifestyle that exists in Australia which allows for every individual of the family to own a car as long as they are 18 years and over. Holden which is the main car manufacturer in Australia has been able to develop various car brands that are meant to suit the various lifestyles and culture of the Australians. Some of the cars produced by Holden Australia include Commodore, Camden, Astra, Holden Monaro Coupe and Chevrolet. The situational factor that will affect the buyer decision to purchase a car will be physical factors where the location of car auto-marts will influence whether a consumer wants to buy a car. The ease with which a potential car buyer locates a Holden store in their vicinity will play a major role in influencing their purchase decisions (Tanner and Raymond 2010). Purchase Four The fo urth purchase to be assessed in the study will be dairy products which according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2004) is the most intensive sector in the country. According to 2001 and 2002 statistics, consumers in the country drank approximately 18 percent of whole milk which was mostly produced in the state of Victoria. 50 percent of the country’s annual milk production was exported to other foreign countries such as the United States, Asia and Europe while the remaining percentage was sold to manufacturers of butter, cheese, cheddar and other dairy products. 2005-2006 statistics showed that the production of whole milk amounted to 10,092 millimetres while the consumption of whole milk and other dairy products such as cheese, skim milk powder, butter and casein amounted to 527 kt (Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry 2007). Victoria is the dominant producer and supplier of milk as it accounts for 61 percent of milk production in the country. The states of New South Wales and Queensland both account for 22 percent of the milk supply in the country while Tasmania accounts for 7 percent of milk production and dairy products. The high production of milk and milk products in the country has made dairy products to be easily available to many Australian consumers in the local market regardless of their income levels within the country. Milk and dairy products are therefore common purchases for many average consumers in Australia (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2004). The internal factors that will affect the consumer buying decision will be the motives of the individual dairy consumer that will be borne out of the desire to purchase dairy products which have been identified as a staple food source in the Western diet. Milk and other dairy products provide consumers with Calcium and other vital nutrients that support bone formation. Consumers might decide to buy dairy products because of this reason as well as the staple source of food that these products provide to consumers. The personal tastes of the individual might also determine dairy product purchases where consumers who want to buy high quality cheese and cheddar are influenced because of their desire for quality products. Consumers who do not have high quality preferences might decide to purchase the lower value dairy products because they do not attach a particular preference to their purchases (Tanner and Raymond 2010). The external factors that will influence the buyer’s decision to buy milk will be socio-cultural factors where as mentioned earlier on dairy products are the staple source of food for many westernised countries. The household budget will also affect the consumer’s decision to buy dairy products such as cheese and butter as some brands of these products are manufactured for high-end buyers. The situational factors that will influence the purchase of milk and dairy products will be time factors where the time of day will dete rmine whether a consumer will buy milk. Most dairy products are usually consumed in the morning for breakfast which means that the buyer’s decision to buy milk will be high if they make their purchase decision in the morning. References Australian Bureau of Statistics (2004) The Australian dairy industry. Available at:[emailprotected]/Previousproducts/1301.0Feature%20Article182004?opendocumenttabname=Summaryprodno=1301.0issue=2004num=view= Australian Bureau of Statistics (2006) Australian social trends, 1996. Available at:[emailprotected]/2f762f95845417aeca25706c00834efa/71DFDE1556ED2AB7CA2570EC0073F3E1 Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (2007). Australian food statistics  2006. Canberra, Sydney: Food and Agriculture Division East, R., Wright, M., and Vanhuele, M., (2008) Consumer behaviour: applications in  marketing. London: Sage Publications Hoyer, W.D., and Macinnis, D.J., (2010) Consumer behaviour. Mason, Ohio : South Western Cengage Learning Lamb, C.W., Hair, J.F., and McDaniel, C., (2009) Essentials of marketing. Mason, Ohio: South Western Cengage Lantos, G.P., (2011) Consumer behaviour in action: real-life applications for marketing  managers. New York: M.E. Sharpe Incorporated Minchin, L., (2007) Limit meat eating to tackle climate change: study. Available at: O’Dougherty, D., (2007) Consumer behaviour. Cape Town, South Africa: Pearson Education South Africa Real Estate Perth Guide (2011) Australian property: guide to buying property in  Australia. Available at: Tanner, J., and Raymond, M.A., (2010) Principles of marketing. New York: Flat World Knowledge

Thursday, November 21, 2019

CV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

CV - Essay Example The responsibilities also include analysis of performance; pre-commissioning, commissioning and Troubleshooting of revamp units. My roles were in charging on ethane cracking, furnaces (9 Furnaces), hot section and cold Fractionation units, Refrigeration units, to produce Ethylene as main product. In that period I was responsible for 100 people, preparing training and activity of the staff, preparing five year plan for the staff and preparing the budget of the cracking unit. To coordinate on day to day basis the operation of Ethylene plant to meet the production target at minimum cost with quality and safety standard. Writing or updating operating instruction, procedures, issuing incident report and the achievement preparing tracking sheet for the incident and involving the safety and maintenance in resolving the incident, issuing maintenance request and authorization of the work request. My roles were in charging on Gas treatment unit for treating the gas from acid gas for producing Ethane; selective Amine Absorption process. In that period I was in charge for 35 people, also I was in charge of sulphur production in Claus unit from acid gas from gas treatment units. My roles were in charging day to day activities for the sulphur Claus unit, Prilling unit, and Hydrocarbon storage, Jetty area and shipment and Coordinating all the operation activities and communicating with maintenance. I was in charge for 25 people and preparing the training and activities of the unit and the budget of the unit. Preparing the material balance for the sulphur unit as the composition of acid gas changed; One of the achievement is calculating the recovery of the unit and increased the capacity of the unit from 20 T/hr to 40 T/hr and preparing the action plan for processing all the acid gas instead of flare it. Participated in first expansion period in QAPCO to increase the plant capacity